Holistix Farms CBD



Our heart works around the clock at an impressive rate. Every day it pumps around 10,000 liters of blood through our body with around 100,000 beats.

But sometimes the pump is a little too good with the distribution and shoots the red liquid through our arteries at breakneck speed. This leads to high blood pressure, one of the biggest risk factors for cardiovascular disease. In the meantime, this disease is found in every third person in USA, so that one can certainly speak of a widespread disease.

Treatment methods range from strong medication to relaxation exercises. Cannabidiol (CBD for short), which is extracted from the cannabis plant, can also affect systolic pressure . In the following we explain how and whether CBD really helps against high blood pressure


When our heart contracts, blood is pumped under pressure into the vessels, thus supplying the organs with nutrients and oxygen. It then relaxes briefly to get ready for the next pumping process. However, a certain pressure remains in the vascular system.

There are two types of pressure: systolic (heart muscle contracts) and distolic (heart muscle relaxes). This is exactly what results in the well-known blood pressure with its two values: 120 to 80 is completely normal, but as soon as it is 140 to 90 or higher, one speaks of high blood pressure or hypertension.


Although it is normal for this to increase somewhat with age, hypertension does not develop easily. Scientists have found out in studies that high blood pressure is usually caused by a combination of hereditary factors, age, gender and various dietary and lifestyle habits. The culprits include unhealthy diet, obesity, high alcohol consumption, lack of exercise and stress.

If the blood then shoots through the vessels at full throttle, this puts a strain on the vessel walls and more calcium and fat can build up on inflammation and injuries. As a result, the vessels become narrower and less elastic, while the organs are less well supplied with nutrients and oxygen. Possible consequences are arteriosclerosis (disease of the arteries in the body), a stroke or a heart attack.


In the case of extremely high blood pressure, so-called beta blockers are used in medicine: drugs that ensure that the heart shifts down a gear as quickly as possible and that the heart rate returns to normal.

Since high blood pressure is favored by an unhealthy lifestyle, you don’t always have to resort to a chemical cocktail to lower your stroke frequency. A focus on holistic measures such as weight loss, healthy eating, drinking less , physical activity and relaxation are recommended.

In the case of high blood pressure, the hemp extract cannabidiol can also be used, since CBD oils can lower blood pressure. However, if you want to buy CBD in addition to blood pressure medication or want to buy bulkweed and put it in your shopping cart for hypertension, it is always advisable to consult your doctor first . Finally, interactions with other medicines and medications can occur, which one would like to avoid at all costs.


But how exactly does CBD help against blood pressure?

All humans have an endocannabinoid system that may have beneficial effects on bodily functions and messengers. Cannabinoids also have the property of docking to the receptors (CB1 and CB2) and thus interacting with the body.

CBD can also dock to these receptors. Therefore, it is suspected that the interaction of these two could have an impact on sleep disorders, pain and disease. However, research still has to find out through further studies whether CBD can have a supportive effect on all common diseases.

However, scientists have already established that CBD has an expanding effect on the bloodstream and thus on blood pressure. On the one hand, this could be due to the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD. In this case, less calcium and fat would be deposited, since there is generally less inflammation in the body. A larger vessel diameter allows the blood to flow better and – hooray – the blood pressure drops.

Another study has shown that CBD can also help against high blood pressure in the subjects concerned. The same study also found that CBD influenced the participants’ blood pressure in such a way that it rose less under stress. Incidentally, the same is also suspected in the case of medicinal cannabis.


It is very possible that CBD inhibits the release of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline via the endocannabinoid system . In addition, CBD can be effective for anxiety (a notorious stress trigger).

In addition , researchers found that cannabidiol promotes the conversion of white (“bad”) fat cells into brown fat cells and the efficient breakdown of fats. This suggests that CBD can play a significant role in treating obesity.

We already know that both stress and obesity can contribute to hypertension. This means that CBD can be helpful for high blood pressure not only by expanding blood vessels, but also by CBD’s effect on its causes.


Here you will find all the answers to the most common questions you need to know about CBD and high blood pressure.

How do I have to dose CBD so that CBD can act as a blood pressure reducer  ?

There is no uniform perfect dosage, because every body reacts differently to cannabidiol. That’s why it’s important that you find out your perfect dose step by step. Our guide to the correct CBD dosage will help you with this.

Are there any side effects if I take CBD oil for high blood pressure?

Although the CBD extracted from the hemp plant is generally considered harmless, CBD side effects such as fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, diarrhea or dizziness have been reported. If you are already taking antihypertensive medication, you need to be extra careful. In this case, you should definitely discuss the intake with a doctor beforehand in order to rule out undesirable effects.

Can I take CBD for low blood pressure?

Since the effect of CBD is hypotensive, you should refrain from taking hemp products if you have low blood pressure to prevent increased CBD interactions .

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