Audience For Your App

According to studies, Facebook is one of the top three most visited websites after Google and YouTube. There are around 96 billion active users every month.

When marketing a product, like an app, you need to know your target audience when creating your marketing strategy. If you don’t know who you’re marketing to, you won’t have a clear way of getting your product on the market. Thankfully, there is a way to do audience research for your app.

So, keep reading if you’ve built or are building an app. Here’s what you need to know about audience research.

What Is a Target Audience?

A target audience is a collective group of people most likely to be interested in a particular product or service. In other words, they are most likely your company’s customers. You can break target audiences into the following example demographics:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Job
  • Income
  • Marital Status
  • Education Level

Your target audience will depend on your product or app, but it’s helpful to know before you begin marketing to ensure you’re addressing your message correctly for the demographic.

How to Do Audience Research for Your App

So no doubt you’re tired of asking, “who is my audience?” and want to jump in and do some audience research for yourself, so here are our tips on how to find your target audience. We’ve chosen the top three to get you started.

1. Consider Your Audience’s Perspective

One essential method of finding a target audience for your app is considering your customer’s perspective. For example, you want to ask yourself some questions such as:

  • Whom does your app help?
  • Is your app solving a problem?
  • Whom do you envision using your app?

By answering these questions for yourself, you can start to see a target audience appear.

2. Look at Your Competitor’s App Audience

Looking at who is buying or using your competitor’s product is an excellent way to determine who your target audience may be. You can do this by checking your competitor’s social media accounts.

Here you can get an idea of who is following their social media by looking at their most active followers. You can also look at who has left reviews on their Google page or in the app store.

3. Look at Your Current Users

If your product has been available on the market for a while, you can also look to your own natural customer base to get an idea of who is organically liking your product or service. An excellent way to do this is to use something like Google Analytics as a tool to help find your audience for an app.

Build the Best App Today

When you have a great idea and bring it to the market, knowing who you’re targeting your advertising budget to can help save you a lot of money and gain you a more significant return on investment. Be bold, use your competitors to glean information, and start your audience research for your app today.


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