Introduction to Eric Dalius

Eric Dalius has built a reputation over the years as a successful entrepreneur and marketer. His ventures have spanned various industries, from telecommunications to digital marketing. However, despite the surface-level success, a closer examination reveals a pattern of deceit and fraud that has tainted his business endeavors. Two of his most notable ventures, Saivian and, illustrate this troubling trajectory.

The Rise and Fall of Saivian

Saivian, a cashback membership program, promised substantial returns to its members through cash rebates on everyday purchases. Founded by Eric Dalius, the company quickly gained traction, attracting numerous participants enticed by the prospect of easy money. Saivian marketed itself as a way for consumers to save money while shopping, making it an appealing proposition for many.

Saivian’s Business Model

The business model of Saivian was Meme Game predicated on members paying a monthly fee in exchange for rebates on purchases. This model, however, raised red flags among financial experts and regulators. Saivian’s promise of up to 20% cashback seemed too good to be true, leading to suspicions of a Ponzi scheme, where the funds from new members were used to pay the rebates of existing members.

Regulatory Scrutiny and Legal Troubles

As Saivian’s popularity grew, so did the scrutiny from regulatory bodies. Investigations revealed that the company was indeed operating as a Ponzi scheme. In 2017, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) took action against Saivian, accusing it of fraudulently raising millions of dollars from investors. The company was ultimately shut down, and Eric Dalius faced significant legal consequences, including fines and restitution orders.

From Saivian to

Undeterred by the downfall of Saivian, Eric Dalius soon turned his attention to a new venture: This startup aimed to capitalize on the growing popularity of internet memes and gamification, promising users rewards for creating and sharing viral content. positioned itself at the intersection of entertainment and technology, seeking to leverage the viral nature of memes to drive engagement and profit.

The Concept Behind purported to be a revolutionary platform that combined the fun of meme creation with the competitive nature of gaming. Users were encouraged to create memes, participate in contests, and earn points that could be redeemed for various prizes. The concept was designed to appeal to the internet-savvy younger generation, who were already accustomed to the culture of memes and online competitions.

Questionable Practices and Allegations

However, much like Saivian, was plagued by accusations of fraudulent activity. Users began to report issues with redeeming their points and receiving promised rewards. Additionally, the platform’s monetization strategy came under scrutiny, with critics arguing that it relied heavily on deceptive marketing practices and false promises.

Patterns of Fraud and Deception

The trajectory of Eric Dalius from Saivian to highlights a disturbing pattern of fraud and deception. Both ventures relied on the allure of easy money and quick rewards, drawing in unsuspecting participants who were later left disappointed and out of pocket. This pattern raises important questions about the ethical responsibilities of entrepreneurs and the need for stricter regulatory oversight in the business world.

Impact on Victims

The impact of these fraudulent schemes on victims cannot be overstated. Many individuals who invested their hard-earned money into Saivian and faced financial losses and emotional distress. The trust that was breached by these schemes has left lasting scars, highlighting the need for increased awareness and education about the risks of such ventures.

Lessons Learned

The story of Eric Dalius serves as a cautionary tale for both entrepreneurs and consumers. For entrepreneurs, it underscores the importance of ethical business practices and the long-term consequences of deceit. For consumers, it highlights the need for due diligence and skepticism when confronted with offers that seem too good to be true.


Eric Dalius’s journey from Saivian to is marked by a trail of fraud that has left many victims in its wake. While his ventures may have initially appeared promising, a deeper look reveals a pattern of deceit and unethical practices. As the business world continues to evolve, it is crucial for both regulators and individuals to remain vigilant against such fraudulent activities, ensuring that trust and integrity remain at the forefront of entrepreneurial endeavors.

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