Attract and Retain

The success of any business depends on the people they recruit. Nowadays, millennials are occupying a large portion of the workforce. Recruiting, and retaining young talent is a hard nut to crack as they don’t get easily attracted or engaged to a job position and company’s culture. Approximately, 30% of young talent is engaged while 15% are conscientiously disengaged and 50% are less engaged. They are more likely to switch jobs within a year, thus attracting and retaining them requires an unimaginative amount of effort. But how can recruiters unlock the potential market of young recruits? Well, there is no rocket science behind this. Following are the seven ways to attract and retain the brightest young recruits.

Propose Plenty Of Opportunities And Employee Benefits

Offering a wide range of opportunities to young talent keeps them engaged and enables them to get basic work experience while on the job. By providing apprenticeships, employers help millennials to develop their skills while at the same time contributing to the business. Similarly, employee benefits work like a charm as the young talent is mostly attracted to it. Recruiters can drive the attention of young recruits by offering healthcare packages, bonuses, raises, vacation, and retirement packages.

Construct A Supportive And Thriving Culture

The young talent isn’t attracted to around-the-clock jobs or a stuffy office area making them work for hours, then get them back to their homes. Millennials are attracted to a thriving community atmosphere as they want to be a part of a community that is supportive and productive. Construct a thriving culture that offers a nontraditional workplace where employees are at liberty to arrange a team get to gather, enjoy employee cafes and participate in sports and games.

Collaborate With Career Staff To Tap Into Millennials Potential

Take initiatives and hunt the young people by either collaborating with career staff or dedicated events and seminars. The recruiters should conduct their visits to different schools or college campuses to find the brightest talent to be a part of their company. The campuses are the hub of dynamic young talent thus tying up with recognized educational institutions can be a great way to leverage campus hiring.

Make Working Fun And Enjoyable 

Work boredom kills millennials’ productivity and they get less engaged at their workplace. Millennials are more likely to be job-hopping as they see other company’s workplaces more attractive than their own. Ensure your young talent that working with your company is not stressful and is all fun. When they will enjoy their tasks and will be happy while working, they will be less likely to leave your company to earn a better option.

Offer Flexible Working Hours

Young recruits are more concerned about flexible working hours as they don’t want to affect their personal life. They want flexibility in their career because flexibility is the key factor to keep them focused. 34% of those who claimed to keep working with their company for the whole year cited flexibility as the main reason. A workplace that offers a flexible work style attracts and retains the brightest young recruits because work-life balance is what every employee wants.

Map Out A Career Path

Advancement in careers makes the young employees leave their existing jobs especially when they can’t progress at their current workplace. Map out a precise career path for young recruits that serves a two-fold purpose like enabling them to work at their optimal levels and preparing them for future roles.

Partner With A Global PEO To Hunt Young Recruits

A global PEO takes the entire responsibility of HR procedure enabling the companies to expand globally and hire international talent without any risk. The advantages of using global PEO include offering a smoother HR experience, better employee benefits, managing payroll, cost-effective services, time-efficiency and understanding of local compliance.

Final Thoughts

Young recruits are reshaping the workforce and making up a most considerable percentage of it. Recruiters need to think out of the box for attracting young talent as recruiting them is not a piece of cake and requires different approaches.

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