
You don’t want to do much of your own work or don’t have any handymen in your radius or circle of acquaintances? No problem! There is a simple way to find a good and reliable handyman: Simply use the network of our Ytong kit house partners and commission experienced companies that will carry out all the necessary tasks on your new home. You remain independent at all times, because all companies commission you on your own and for your own account. It is best to contact a Ytong kit house partner in your area right away and let them provide you with all the important information.

Alternatively, you can look for a professional handyman Canoga on your own. We are also happy to provide you with advice and assistance. Our 3 tips will help you to find the right handyman and save you from the typical stumbling blocks that can arise when looking for a handyman. Because especially when it comes to building your dream house, you shouldn’t just entrust important tasks to just anyone, but make sure that a professional is at work.

Discuss all the details personally – if necessary, also on site

Whether you are looking for a handyman to install the windows in your new house, to install the tiles in the bathroom or to lay a beautiful wooden floor in the living room – in order for the professional to be able to make you a binding offer for his services, he must know all the relevant details. Based on the questions that the expert asks you in this context, in most cases you can immediately separate the proverbial wheat from the chaff.

Also, don’t be afraid of a face-to-face meeting – sometimes it is important for the handyman to check the structural situation on site, to take measurements or similar. In these cases, only a dubious handyman would not be present on site. Incidentally, it doesn’t hurt to have a certain basic knowledge of the structural measures in this regard. Our blog is a good source of information on many relevant topics related to house construction. For example, take a look at our expert interview on the topic of windows and window construction or find out more about the effect of an individual lighting concept . A dubious handyman cannot fool you with an X for a U.

Get a quote and compare offers

Oral promises are good – written offers are better. Because although verbally agreed offers are equally binding, with a written cost estimate you always have an official document in your hand. If the costs that appear later in the invoice should significantly exceed the previously estimated amount, this can still be very important.

You can also start the price comparison directly with an offer. After all, you don’t have to accept the first offer of any handyman you like. Feel free to ask for different estimates to find the best value for money. However, be careful not to accidentally compare apples to oranges when it comes to the asking price. Therefore, always make sure that all work related to the order is listed in detail in the cost estimate or offer. Even so-called supplementary and ancillary services must not be left out. Otherwise, they can subsequently drive up the price considerably.

Important: Unless otherwise agreed, cost estimates from handymen are not binding. Rather, such an offer is an estimate of the later costs. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the handyman can suddenly demand lunar amounts from you after completing his work. Surcharges of up to 20% (in exceptional cases also 25%) are within the usual tolerance range and must be paid by you. A good handyman will inform you immediately about such deviations and explain the reasons for the price increase. However, he is only obliged to do so if the costs increase by more than 20% of the estimated amount. In this case, you even have the right to extraordinarily terminate the contract for work. Then you only have to pay the handyman for the services that have already been accomplished. For the rest of the work, however, you have to find a new handyman again.

Always check the work done

Imagine this: You have chosen one of our Ytong kit houses and have a modern heating system with underfloor heating installed. After some time, however, it turns out that the handyman bungled. The laying distances were chosen too large, so that the room does not get really warm and the energy efficiency of the heating system drops to almost zero. So there can be no talk of comfort within your own four walls. And unfortunately, this is where the trouble really begins: According to the applicable law, there is a so-called warranty obligation for handymen’s work. This is 5 years for underfloor heating, for example, but just two years for other work. If defects occur within the warranty period, the handyman must remedy them at his own expense. However, you must rectify any defects discovered afterwards at your own expense.

We therefore generally advise you to check all work carried out by handymen very carefully before you sign an acceptance report or transfer the invoice. In some cases, it can even be worthwhile – for example in the case of expensive services – to consult an expert who will examine the work with the necessary expertise. If there are defects or botched work that are apparent from the start, you only have to pay the invoice in full once these have been rectified. It is best to complain about the defects immediately, because the handyman not only has the obligation but also the right to rectify them himself.

In an emergency, it is best to proceed as follows:

  • Step 1: Document the construction defect (witnesses, photos, experts)
  • Step 2: Create a written notice of defects (by registered mail with a deadline of 14 days)
  • Step 3: Not paying the invoice in full: You may withhold up to twice the cost of rectifying the defect
  • Step 4: If the handyman does not react, set a grace period of 14 days
  • Step 5: Get legal advice

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