Exterior Renovations

So you want to renovate the exterior of your home but don’t know what to do. Well, you’re not alone in this conundrum. With so many options available when it comes to renovating the exterior, the choice can be overwhelming at times. There are so many good options you would love to pick, but you can’t as too many renovation options will ruin the beauty of the house. So the big question becomes, which exterior renovation options are must haves? There are some renovation options that just deserve to have priority over others for different reasons. Here, we look at some exterior renovations you don’t want to overlook.

 Adding a deck

With the number of people adding decks to their homes, it’s no surprise that it makes the list. When you have space in front of your house and don’t know what to do with it, then you could try installing a deck. The main reason why adding a deck is a great renovation idea is that it isn’t expensive. The biggest downside however is that you will require a professional to install it. Working with a deck builder ensures a great result. You will end up with a stunning deck where you can spend time and enjoy the beautiful outdoors without leaving home.

Freshen up the paint

The paint of the house tends to fade with time and at some point, you will need to repaint. Additionally, there are times where you simply don’t like the paint color anymore, especially when you move to a new house. In such a situation, then you will need to repaint the house to give it not only a new color, but a new feel as well. Painting is an underrated part of renovations and it can be the difference between a complete renovation and one that is missing something. You can paint the house yourself or hire a painter if you would prefer a professional job. In the end, you will have your home feeling like a new one.

Add exterior lights

Exterior lights will bring your outdoors into focus and can be targeted to highlight what you want. When used creatively, you can control the ambience and with the right colors, it can even affect people’s moods. You, your guests or passersby don’t have to move in the dark anymore. If you happen to have a pool in your house, the lights can be used in conjunction with it to produce great results. In the absence of a pool, you can still use the lights in conjunction with other landscape items to great effect. Thanks to recent upgrades in technology, you have several options when it comes to choosing your exterior lights. One choice that has proven to be very effective are proximity controlled lights. Once you or someone else gets close enough, the lights automatically turn one and light the way. This brings us to the fact that exterior lights can also be used to light up and mark pathways.

Changing your garage door

The garage door is usually visible from the street and no one wants there to be an eyesore. Whenever you move into a new house, there is every possibility that you won’t like the garage door you meet in the house. If this is the case, then you will want to change it. There is also the fact that you may simply want to switch to a more recent garage door especially when it has special features. Regardless of your reason, changing your garage door is a popular renovation and is one should try. Where you have done other renovations including mounting external lights, you will want to make sure the items around the yard are presentable. Thus, you should consider changing the garage door to something both you and your guests can enjoy looking at.


Thankfully, you don’t have to pick only one renovation option when you are making a choice. The only thing that can stop you from maximizing these options will be your budget. Where money is not an issue however, you can employ as many of the above renovations without fear of over doing it. You could also get an expert designer to help you find designs that will match with these renovations and make your house a marvel.

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