On the evening of March 3, 2021, Sarah Everard was walking back to her home after visiting some friends. She was talking on the phone with her boyfriend, making plans to meet him the next day. The 33-year-old Sarah Everard was never seen after that.

The beautiful, vivacious and loving Sarah, who was adored by her colleagues and family alike, was abducted on the way by a police officer and was killed later that night. The cop arrested her for breaching the COVID-19 SOPs, handcuffed her, and took her to remote areas where he strangled her with his belt, burned her body in a refrigerator, and disposed of the remains in huge bags. Within a week, the perpetrator was arrested by the police with the help of CCTV footage and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Are you spooked enough? Let’s take a look at another crime story. In the 1990s, Selena Quintanilla, a young singer, songwriter, model, and fashion designer from Texas rose to fame for redefining Latino music in a male-dominated industry. With a successful life ahead of her, she had just started climbing the stairs to success when she was shot dead by Yolanda Saldívar, her boutique store manager, who was also very close to Selena’s family. Yolanda had been embezzling money, which Selena’s father had found out and separated her from their business.

On March 31, 1995, Selena went to see Yolanda for the sake of getting some documents related to her business, but Yolanda wanted to seek revenge and instead shot her dead. Such a tragic end to a bright, creative individual who had just started her career, and everything was going well for herself and her family.

It is stories like these that make you wonder about life’s unpredictable and fragile nature. Where you get emotionally stirred by these heart-wrenching true crime narrations, you also get to learn lessons about trusting people and staying safe at all times. This is the idea behind Murder With My Husband, the podcast by husband and wife duo – Payton and Garrett Moreland.

Payton Moreland loves true crime and researches every case before she presents it to her audiences. On the other hand, Garrett Moreland is not a fan of true crime and serves as the audience to his wife’s intriguing way of storytelling. While Payton narrates the events that lead to a mysterious murder or disappearance of a person, Garrett asks questions that the audience might have, and the duo provides clarity to the whole situation. They also mention the websites and news stories where the information has been picked from so the audience gets the authentic information.

There is empathy in every story. The couple humanizes every crime they narrate, expressing sensitivity towards the victims’ families. They also make sure that they do not glamorize the crime. Each story unfolds with a timeline in order to keep the listeners hooked to the podcast. On their Facebook and TikTok, you can actually see pictures of the people involved, the crime scenes, evidence, and often the camera footage available to support the narration. It feels like you are present through the entire crime scene, desperately wanting to help the victims, but there is nothing that you can do – that is the prowess of their storytelling.

It’s not a surprise that within a couple of years, Murder With My Husband podcast has been listed in the Top 100 podcasts of all time worldwide, while it stands in the Top 30 podcasts in the true crime genre globally. Their fan following is increasing by the day as the true crime genre is one of the most-watched, heard, and read categories in today’s time. More people are interested in seeing the perpetrators meeting their fate and getting punished for their crimes.

Murder With My Husband has covered more than 100 true crime stories in these two years, and the husband-wife duo regularly updates their podcast, bringing both old and new crimes to light. Through this podcast, we have seen boyfriends killing their girlfriends, fathers killing their young, innocent children, colleagues murdering their co-workers over the slightest spats at work, etc., and you realize that we live in uncertain times. Hence, it acts as a service to a society where we should learn to be cautious even in our safest environments and daily routines and not trust others too much.

Murder With My Husband is available on a number of social media platforms, including Apple Podcast, Spotify, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook, for you to stay aware and informed. If you are a true crime lover, this is one podcast that cannot be missed.

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