snapchat streak

Snapchat Streaks is one of the most important features of the app since it keeps users interested in the ephemeral messaging platform. Snapchat has built a devoted following by making the act of sending and receiving Snaps a game with Snapchat Streaks. If you’re new to Snapchat and aren’t sure what this feature is all about, keep reading to learn everything there is to know about Snapchat Streaks.

Explaining Snapchat Streaks (2022)

What is a Snapchat Streak, and how do you get one?

Snapchat Streaks, also known as Snapstreaks, is a metric for how much time you spend with a Snapchat user. A Snapstreak begins when you send or receive Snaps from the same person for three days in a row. On the Chat screen, check for the fire emoji () next to the contact’s name to identify an active Snapstreak.

The number next to the fire emoji keeps rising to represent the number of days a Snapstreak has been active. The software requires you to send and receive photographs and video Snaps to your friends at least once every 24 hours to keep a Snapstreak going. The Snapstreak will be lost if you fail to do so.

What Factors Into Snapstreaks?

You may be asking what factors contribute to a Snapstreak and what factors do not. Snapstreaks may only be earned through two actions, according to Snapchat. The following are the details:

  • Snapping photos and transmitting them
  • Video Snaps can be sent and received.

That’s all there is to it. If you text the person, upload Stories (even if it’s a private tale), or send Snaps to group conversations, you won’t get a Snapstreak. It’s also worth noting that the Snap should be sent directly from the Snapchat camera interface. Your Snapstreak will not be affected if you send a Snap from your camera roll or Memories tab.

What Are Snapchat Streak Emojis and What Do They Mean?

Snapchat makes it clear whether or not a user has an active Snapstreak. For a new user, though, the meaning of emojis next to a Snapstreak can be puzzling. There are essentially three emojis for Snapstreaks:

  • The fire emoji displays next to a Snapchat user’s name, indicating that the Snapstreak has begun. As previously stated, the Snapstreak will begin after you send and receive Snaps for three days in a row.
  • The 100 emoji will appear next to your friend’s name instead of the fire emoji if you have kept your Snapstreak for 100 days. On day 101, the app will revert to the fire emoji.
  • The hourglass emoji can be used to identify a Snapstreak that is about to expire. It vanishes shortly after you deliver a new Snap to maintain the Snapstreak. If an hourglass emoji appears next to someone’s name in Snapchat, it implies you have about 4 hours to send or receive a Snap (photo or video) to keep the Snapstreak alive.

In your stories, start sharing your Snapchat streak.

The Snapstreak day count used to be displayed in a special Snapchat filter. While that option is no longer available, Charms can still be used to show off your Snapstreak with a friend. This is how you do it:

1. Go to the profile page of the person with whom you have a Snapstreak and open Snapchat. From the discussion window, touch on a user’s display name to go to their profile page.

2. Scroll down until you find the Snapstreak charm in the “Charms” section. Now tap the Snapstreak charm to expand it and capture a screenshot of it. When you snap a screenshot of your friendship profile, Snapchat will alert your buddy.

3. Now all you have to do is share the screenshot on Snapchat. Select the snapshot from your camera in the Snapchat story creation screen. You have the option of addressing the persons in the story. So after that, click “My Story” and press the blue “Send” button to start sharing your Snapstreak on Snapchat.

5 Easy Ways to Boost Snapstreak

Photo Snaps to Send

Sending photo Snaps to the other person is the simplest way to enhance your Snapstreak. If you’re out of ideas for Snaps to send, you can always send a blank Snap to keep the streak going. Unless both parties are socially active and outgoing, most long-term Snapstreaks are blank.

  • Video Snaps to Send

You can even send video Snaps if you find sending static photographs repetitive or boring. Every day, make a video and send it to the person. Video Snaps are also more personal, which helps to build the bond between you and your companion.

  • Maintain Consistency

Because the streaks only last 24 hours, it’s critical to keep up the pace and deliver Snaps to each other on a frequent basis. If you have a habit of forgetting to send Snaps, you can set a reminder as the last resort. There are a variety of reminder apps for iPhone and Android that might help you remember not to miss another Snapstreak.

  • If Snapchat isn’t working, try troubleshooting it.

You won’t be able to submit your daily Snap to keep your Snapstreak if your Snapchat app isn’t running properly. In such circumstances, you’ll need to move swiftly to get your Snapchat app back up and running. There are several ways to fix the Snapchat app not working problem, and you can find complete instructions in our in-depth tutorial linked here.

  • Request for the restoration of a Snapstreak that has been lost.

If you’ve lost your Snapstreak due to a technical issue, such as a server outage, contact Snapchat’s customer service staff and ask them to restore it. We have a specific tutorial that will help you reclaim Snapstreak.

Most Commonly Asked Questions

Q: Is it possible to keep a Streak alive with just one person?

No, to keep Snapstreak alive, Snapchat requires both participants to send Snaps at least once every 24 hours.

Q: How can I improve my Snapstreak?

To boost your Snapstreak, submit a photo or video Snap. Your Snapstreak will not be affected if you text them on Snapchat.

Q: Can I use my camera roll to send a Streak?

To keep your Snapchat Streak, you need to send an image or video from Snapchat’s camera. The Snapstreak will not be active if you send screenshots or photographs from your gallery.

Q: How do I reclaim a Snapstreak that I’ve misplaced?

If you’ve lost Snapstreak due to some technical issue, you can get it back by contacting the Snapchat team. Steps to reclaim a Snapchat Snapstreak can be found in our dedicated guide.

Start a Snapchat Snapstreak with your friends.

Long-term Snapstreaks are often regarded as a source of pride among young Snapchat users. If that describes you, we hope you found this information useful. Let us know if you have any Snapstreak-related questions in the comments. In the meantime, you might be interested in learning how to use Snapchat to make polls, locate your Snapchat score, and store Snapchat videos. Check out the linked instructions and let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to learn about Snapchat in the comments below.

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