When is the right time to move?

While becoming older has its drawbacks, it may also provide numerous possibilities.

Everyone’s experience of ageing is unique, so it may be difficult to decide if it’s time to move into a new, easier-to-manage home or whether some more assistance around the house is a better option. The good news is that there are several indicators to watch out for that may guide you towards making the right choice.

Do I still fit in my house? What are the indications that a move could be in order?

Every individual has distinct indicators that it could be time to relocate, but a few signals might point to the possibility of doing so.

Problems with routine home upkeep might indicate that your house is no longer the best fit for you. It could be time for you to relocate if routine tasks like cleaning, mowing the lawn, and other normal housekeeping chores seem more daunting than they formerly did.

Another indication to consider downsizing to a smaller house that better meets your requirements is general exhaustion after short lengths of travel.

Moving to a more appropriate area may be the best course of action if it is difficult to navigate uneven terrain or varied levels since you may be placing yourself at danger of harm.

Otherwise, you can start to feel uneasy about being in your family’s house due to challenges with accessibility or transportation, security worries, a fear of being alone, etc.

Could the environment in my house make me more likely to fall?

Although leaving a family home might be traumatic because of the many fond memories it has, our houses often keep up better over time than our bodies do.

Your risk of injury may rise if you often climb into deep bathtubs or stepped shower stalls, balance uncomfortably to reach high or low objects, bend to reach kitchen appliances or storage spaces, or do any of these activities.

You have a higher risk of falling or slipping in older houses with bad lighting, uneven floors, or moist areas with lots of tiles, linoleum, pavers, or stone flooring. If any of these situations ring a bell, you should reevaluate your living situation.

Would remodelling be helpful?

There are other ways to have a more pleasant daily living than moving into a new house, such as downsizing into a smaller area, such a villa or apartment, or enrolling in residential elderly care. You may always renovate your house to make your room function better.

If a complete makeover doesn’t appeal to you, think about beginning with smaller changes like adding bathroom handrails, a ramp in place of outside steps, an interior chair lift, or wider doorways. Call us now ! Our team will give you good advice for the living community.

It is also important to look into your possibilities for care at home, which will enable you to get help with daily tasks while still being able to live in your own house.

Also, forgetfulness contributes.

Sometimes when you’re considering whether it’s suitable to stay in your family home, it’s not simply physical illnesses that can be bothering you.

Losing track of appointments, forgetting to take your medicine or eat, or failing to turn off the stove or the faucet are all serious warning signs that you may want to consider relocating. Anything that puts your health at considerable danger might be an indication that you need help taking care of yourself more effectively.

How a retirement community might be useful

Another great alternative for those who are unhappy with their present living situation is moving into a retirement community.

Retirement communities often provide a range of residences, such as villas or flats, with services or choices for high-needs care. This implies that regardless of their care needs, every older Australian has a housing alternative that is suited for them.

While many of us worry that moving into a retirement community would require us to give up our freedom, this could not be farther from the truth.

The communities established by Marston Living are carefully planned, and some amenities include villages with onsite call buttons in every villa, apartment, or unit, monitored around-the-clock and combined with extra security at night.

In contrast to standalone houses, which may be difficult to keep, members in retirement communities not only have a smaller space to clean but also have access to professionally managed common facilities like gardens, community centres, and swimming pools.

Additionally, the majority of senior living communities have busy social calendars that provide plenty of opportunity for residents who worry about leaving their friends, family, and support network behind to reunite with them and make new ones.

Carefully consider your alternatives going forth.

The choice is totally up to you, whether you decide to relocate into a retirement community, hire domestic assistance, or renovate as a temporary fix.

It’s crucial to weigh all your alternatives before selecting what course of action is best for you.

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