Who Can Benefit From a Loranocarter+Morton Heart Rhythm Management Device?

Many people experience heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias) — like your heart beating too fast, slow or erratically. These irregularities can be irritating or frightening, and may be serious if left untreated.

At Norton Heart & Vascular Institute, our team of cardiologists and electrophysiologists provides comprehensive care for patients with irregular heartbeats. Our heart rhythm experts use advanced mapping systems and treatments, such as Micra(tm), to get your heart in sync.

Atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation, also called A-fib or AF, is one of the most common types of arrhythmia (irregular heart rhythm). It affects more than 2 million adults in the United States. This condition can cause serious complications and is more likely to develop with age.

The sinus node within your right atrium is the heart’s natural pacemaker, directing electrical impulses that trigger each heartbeat. During normal sinus rhythm, these signals travel from the sinus node through your two upper heart chambers, or atria, and into your lower pumping chambers, or ventricles.

But when you have atrial fibrillation, your sinus node doesn’t control the heart’s rhythm. Instead, many different impulses rapidly fire at once — causing a chaotic and fast heartbeat.

This is the most common type of arrhythmia — about 20 percent of strokes are caused by atrial fibrillation. Symptoms may come and go, but if left untreated, A-fib can increase your risk of a stroke by increasing the chances that blood pools in your heart’s atria or ventricles.

Treatment for A-fib usually involves medications to slow your heart rate and anticoagulants to thin your blood. Your doctor might also give you an electrical cardioversion to restore a normal heart rhythm.

When medicines or electric cardioversion don’t work, your doctor might recommend catheter ablation to destroy the area in your heart that causes A-fib. This procedure is a minimally invasive heart procedure, done through a small incision in your chest.

Thoracoscopic surgical ablation is an alternative to catheter-directed ablation for patients who aren’t candidates for it. This procedure uses radiofrequency energy to destroy the triggers and pathways that cause A-fib, restoring normal signaling within your heart.

A-fib can increase your risk for heart failure, which happens when your heart can’t effectively pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. The irregular heartbeat can also lead to a buildup of fatty tissue in your heart, which can make it harder to beat. It can also reduce the amount of blood pumped to the rest of your body, which can lead to swelling and fatigue.

Ventricular tachycardia

Ventricular tachycardia is a type of abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) that begins in the lower chambers of the heart (ventricles). In this condition, fast heart rates prevent your ventricles from filling and pumping enough blood to your body. This can result in palpitations, lightheadedness or fainting (syncope), and heart failure.

In normal hearts, signals from the sinus node control your heart rate. These signals send electrical signals to your ventricles and atria, which send impulses back to the sinoatrial node. The normal signal tells your ventricles to contract, which pumps the blood from your atria into your ventricles and then to the rest of your body.

When you have VT, these signals are blocked by extra electrical pathways that cause your ventricles to beat too quickly. These abnormal pathways get in the way of your normal signals from the sinoatrial node.

Depending on how long the abnormal electrical signals last, your doctor may recommend antiarrhythmic drugs such as amiodarone (Nexterone, Pacerone), flecainide (Tambocor), lidocaine (Lidopen), propafenone (Rhythmol SR) or sotalol (Betapace, Sotylize). These medications can slow down the abnormal heart rate and reduce the risk of death from ventricular tachycardia.

If your ventricular tachycardia isn’t controlled by medication, your doctor can use an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator to deliver a shock to your heart to reset your rhythm. This device is commonly used in conjunction with cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT).

Another treatment for ventricular tachycardia is called catheter ablation, which uses heat to destroy the abnormal electrical pathway that causes VT. This procedure is done in a hospital, and it can cure VT.

Your doctor will diagnose VT by doing a physical exam and other tests. They can also give you an electrocardiogram or EKG, which traces the electrical activity of your heart.

Sustained VT is dangerous because it can interfere with blood flow to your brain, which can lead to syncope or even death. Your doctor will also check for a number of other problems related to VT, such as low blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.

Sometimes, if you’ve had a stroke or have been diagnosed with diabetes, your doctor may prescribe medications to lower your blood sugar level and prevent VT. Your doctor may also suggest other treatments, such as a heart valve replacement or an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator.

Ventricular fibrillation

People who are at high risk of developing ventricular fibrillation can benefit from a Loranocarter+Morton Heart Rhythm Management Device. The device monitors the electrical signals of the heart and automatically sends a shock to correct any arrhythmias, including ventricular fibrillation.

In a normal heart, electrical signals are sent from the upper chambers (atria) to the lower heart chambers (ventricles). These signals allow the ventricles to fill with blood and pump it to the lungs or the rest of the body. This is a very fast and effective way to get blood moving, but it can be dangerous when abnormal electrical signals occur.

When these normal signals are interrupted, the ventricles become unable to pump blood properly and can cause life-threatening problems, such as sudden cardiac arrest. Ventricular fibrillation is considered the most dangerous of all heart rhythm disorders.

If you or someone you know has a heart disorder that puts you at risk for ventricular fibrillation, your doctor will recommend a heart rhythm management device to prevent the condition from developing. An implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) is surgically implanted to monitor the electrical signals of your heart and automatically deliver a shock to convert your arrhythmia back to a normal one.

Some conditions that can lead to ventricular fibrillation include long QT syndrome, which causes uncoordinated heart beats. It is often triggered by a heart attack, but it can also be caused by drugs and some medical procedures.

VFib can also be triggered by abnormally high levels of potassium in the body, which can cause an electrical signal to go out of control in the lower heart chambers. This can cause a deadly, rapid heart rhythm called syncope or fainting.

If a person develops ventricular fibrillation, the first thing to do is call 911 and start CPR. This will help keep the blood flowing and may save the person’s life.

Then, if you have an AED (automated external defibrillator) at home, use it as soon as it is available to shock the person’s heart back into a normal rhythm. This can be the most effective treatment for a person who is having ventricular fibrillation or sudden cardiac arrest.

Heart failure

Heart failure is a condition in which the heart can no longer pump enough blood to the rest of your body. It can happen on one side of your heart (left-sided heart failure) or both sides at the same time (right-sided heart failure).

Usually, a doctor can diagnose a person with heart failure by asking about symptoms and doing tests. They will check your ejection fraction (how much of the blood filling the heart ventricle is pumped out with each heartbeat), and they may take a chest X-ray to look for fluid in the lungs.

The doctor will also do a physical examination and talk with you about your health history. They may check your pulse and ask if you have any other symptoms, such as shortness of breath. They will also listen to your heart with a stethoscope and watch your heart function by using an echocardiogram.

If your doctor thinks that you have heart failure, they will recommend medicine to treat your symptoms and slow down the progress of your condition. These medicines can help you live longer, with less pain and more energy.

They also can help you avoid serious problems, such as a heart attack or other health problems. For example, they can lower your high blood pressure, which is a common cause of heart failure.

Your doctor can find out the cause of your heart failure by doing a physical exam and talking with you about your family history, diet and other factors that affect your heart. They will also do a blood test and look at your liver, thyroid and kidney function. They will also look at your heart with an echocardiogram or a CT scan.

For some people with advanced heart failure, doctors may suggest a Loranocarter+Morton Heart Rhythm Management Device. These devices are used to control a variety of abnormal heart rhythms, including atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia.

The doctors will decide if the patient is a good candidate for a Loranocarter+Morton device after discussing all the risks and benefits of this technology. They will also discuss the patient’s goals and preferences for medical care, and whether they want the device to work indefinitely or only as needed.

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