Use PPC and AdWords to Attract New Customers

Using google AdWords with First Page to get people to your website is a great idea. It’s a fantastic way of testing the waters without the expense of creating an entire brand and product line. However, you need to make sure that once they get there, they’ll be interested enough to buy something.

In this article, I will show you five ways to use PPC and AdWords to attract new customers and also provide some useful tips on how you can use these techniques in your own business.

  1. Use The Right Keywords

This seems obvious, but it’s amazing how many businesses spend money on AdWords and PPC advertising without doing the proper research first. You wouldn’t dream of doing this with SEO, so why do it with paid ads? To find out which keywords are best for attracting customers, use Google’s Keyword Planner or any other keyword tool that allows you to search for keywords by country and device type (desktop vs mobile). This will give you an idea of which ones have the highest search volume and lowest competition level.

  1. Use PPC as a short-term strategy.

It’s important to remember that PPC ads are not going to generate long-term results for your business. This is a short-term strategy that will only work if you continue paying for it.

The reason PPC advertising is so effective is because of its direct targeting mechanism. The user types in a search term, Google sees what the user is looking for, and then displays an ad related to their search term. This is how Google makes money; it matches search queries with relevant advertisers and charges advertisers every time a user clicks on their ad (this process is called pay-per-click).

As long as you keep paying Google, your ad will be displayed at the top of search results. Once you stop paying, however, it will disappear from online searches and your site traffic will drop significantly.

  1. Create a Targeted Campaign

Paid Search is all about targeting, so take a good look at your business and figure out what makes it unique. What products do you sell? What services do you offer? What are the problems that people come to you to solve?

Once you’ve identified what makes your company special and differentiated yourself from the competition, create an ad campaign specifically designed to reach those customers.

  1. Building trust

When people come to your site or social media page, they want to feel like they’re getting something of value. You must provide value and build trust or they’ll leave your site never to return again.

  1. Providing solutions

If people can’t find a solution to their problem on your site, they’ll leave in a heartbeat. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve invested in marketing or how great your products are; if people don’t find what they’re looking for on your website, they’ll go elsewhere.

  1. Create a Landing Page that Converts

Landing pages are the gateway between your ad and the rest of your website. A good landing page will allow you to convert visitors into paying customers, while a bad one can send potential customers away.

Your landing page should include:

  • A strong headline that establishes what your business is about, as well as something that attracts visitors.
  • A short paragraph explaining what your business does and why it is better than others like it.
  • Your contact information, including email and phone number (even if you don’t answer calls during normal business hours).
  • A CTA (call-to-action) that tells people what action they should take next.

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