Bitcoin Circuit App

Some people use bitcoins, and then some people use and witness the magic of using bitcoins anonymously. 

Most of you would say, what are you talking about? Bitcoins are traded anonymously, isn’t that so? This is the question running through your mind, right? I am sure it does. 

But, a thing to note here is that bitcoins are pseudonymous. If you transact and expose your private key to the public, how does it make you anonymous anymore? If you trade and try to get some funds from someone you know, just to be safe and not reveal your identity, do you think it’d solve your problem? 

And if you do think so, how do you know that the individual you are exposing your transactions with, is exactly the individual you think they are? 

There’s a possibility of their address being stolen, or hacked. Right? You’d be making yourself traceable and prone to getting hacked or your currency being stolen.

This brings us to the importance of creating and using anonymous wallets that guarantee anonymity while you’re on the blockchain network transacting bitcoins. 

We are giving you a list of a few popular anonymous bitcoin wallets: 

  1. Ledger Nano X:

It’s well known among bitcoin traders, not only that but it’s also recommended by almost everyone who trades in bitcoin. 

It has features like backup, storage facility of up to 100 apps, Bluetooth inbuilt, secure chip. 

It is a successor of Ledger Nano S.

And it wasn’t long ago that it launched, but has made a name for itself quickly.

It is a noncustodial wallet, where you have control of your private keys. That gives you the ownership of your digital money.

Nothing best comes for free, they say. So this is a paid device, with probably the best features for securing your cryptocurrency safely. 

You can access this with both iOS as well as Android devices.

  • Ledger Nano S: 

It’s a decent device and is good for securing your cryptocurrency safely. Although it is not as advanced in terms of features and technology as Ledger Nano X. Using Ledger Nano S with a suitable VPN will help you use it as a secure and anonymous Bitcoin wallet. You control your private keys. It’s affordable, so if you’re running low on budget, Ledger Nano S is the one.

  • Samourai Wallet: 

This one is an anonymous bitcoin wallet for Android devices. This is probably for the users who have put their hearts, minds, and souls into Bitcoins. 

Because this is developed by such dedicated individuals. 

It helps you keep your transactions private, your identity concealed and funds secured. 

 Features like: 

  • CoinJoin
  • A unique address for every transaction
  • Prevents linking previous change results
  • Tor and VPN Enabled 

And there are others like: 

  • PINT wallet:

Which is a multi-currency HD wallet. Self-hosted where you get to control your private keys.

  • Paper wallet:

This one is a free anonymous bitcoin wallet that is accessible to all.  It’s just a piece of paper on which your private and public keys are printed. It has its drawbacks. Like anyone can take your bitcoins if the paper is lost.

These are the anonymous bitcoin wallets that can help you remain safe on the network. They are recommended and have amazing features which can keep your cryptocurrency safe and secure all the time.

But the only advice we would like to pass on is, to understand how the crypto world works and the importance of wallets.

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