Corona, COVID-19: What's New

In Germany, the majority of the COVID-related limitations have been eliminated, although there are still some considerations to make. Read our summary.

Please be aware that the only version of the regulations that is legally enforceable is the one that is published in German and is accessible online at in the Hamburg Law and Ordinance Gazette. Please refer to the COVID-19 pandemic containment guidelines and regulations for further details. Please refer to our English FAQs and the official German rules for more information in English.

What is novel?

The total number of serious illnesses brought on by COVID-19 infections has decreased, and the majority of COVID-related restrictions have been repealed in numerous German federal states. However, a lot of people continue to contract the disease every day, which could seriously endanger weaker individuals. It is nevertheless advised to exercise caution and good judgement.

FFP2 face masks in medical and nursing homes

It is required to wear an FFP2 face mask in public indoor spaces that (regularly) attract vulnerably inclined people (or other medical face mask of similar or higher standard).

These places include clinics, hospitals, centres for prevention and rehabilitation, daycare centres, and homes for senior residents, refugees, or people who are homeless.

Face masks are not required for kids younger than six.

Wearing FFP2 face masks in any indoor space is still advised, even if it is no longer required.

Public transportation uses FFP2 face masks

It is required to wear a medical mask in all public transportation vehicles (surgical mask or FFP2 or other medical face mask of similar or higher standard).

Under-6-year-olds are exempt from wearing face masks.

Information for tourists and travellers

Are you travelling through or just stopping by Hamburg? The majority of fundamental COVID regulations are already well-known, however there may be small, nuances changes from those that apply in other nations.

See our article on some fundamental information on being safe during COVID-19 in Hamburg and throughout Germany that everyone should be aware of.

What do the terms 3G, 2G, and 2G+ mean?

Please refer to our article on the access plans for a general explanation of the 3G, 2G, and 2G+ regulations that apply in Hamburg and Germany.

There are currently no locations where any of these limitations apply.

Facial masks

Face masks in medical and nursing homes

In public indoor spaces that are (often) visited by vulnerable people, FFP2 masks (or other medical face masks of a similar or better grade of protection) are required.

These places include clinics, hospitals, centres for prevention and rehabilitation, daycare centres, and homes for senior residents, refugees, or people who are homeless.

In certain locations, everyone—customers, patrons, and employees alike—must wear medical face masks, both those who have been immunised and those who have recovered from them.

Certifications and testing

COVID-19 Health Advisory Platform by Ministry of National Health Services Regulations and Coordination

Testing is available for a surcharge of €3.-

 for anyone who will attend an indoor event that day, meet or visit vulnerable individuals that day, or have a red tile in their CoronaWarnApp.

Testing is still an option for everyone else, but it requires payment of an excess price.

A negative test result from PCR testing or PoC antigen testing is acceptable as proof of testing. The test findings must be older than 48 hours (PCR test) or 24 hours (antigen test), respectively.

Immunization records

The digital vaccination certificate does not need to be ordered from a pharmacy or the central vaccination site at the Hamburg Messehallen (Congress Center) for those who received their vaccine there. You can download the digital certificates from (German only).

The certificates for all other immunised people can be obtained from neighbourhood pharmacies. The certificate must be printed out along with identification documentation and evidence of immunisation for a digital software app to scan the QR code and read the certificate.

Certificate expiration dates

Certificates of immunisation and recovery: The validity of the first and second vaccination certificates begins 14 days following the immunisation shot. Booster shots are effective starting on the day of the injection.

Certificates of recovery from a COVID-19 infection are valid for 28 days following the initial positive test result and for a maximum of 90 days following the initial positive test result.

Antigen quick test certificates are valid for 24 hours following the release of the result. After the test result is released, PCR test certificates are valid for 48 hours.

Isolation and confinement

People who have tested positive for COVID-19 should be isolated since they run the risk of spreading the disease to others.


People who have had close contact with infected people and could get sick are affected by 


The isolation period begins either on the day that any symptoms appear or on the day that a positive test result is received. Before being able to test out, all affected individuals must be isolated for 5 days.

Testing is possible via official PCR testing or antigen testing by a service provider with formal registration. The additional cost for formal testing is waived for infected individuals testing outside of isolation.

Eliminating seclusion

It is recommended that everyone who has tested out of their isolation or quarantine period, regardless of whether they were in isolation or quarantine, drastically minimise their contact with others and put on a medical face mask for a minimum of 14 days.


Although there is no longer a formal requirement for quarantine, it is nevertheless advised that those who have been in close contact with infected individuals stay at home and use a medical face mask anytime there is a chance of coming into touch with and spreading the infection to others.

Meeting people

The legal limits on making contact with people have been eliminated.

But whether you’re at home, in a public place indoors, or outside, please keep a minimum of 1.5 metres between you and anyone from another household in order to keep yourself and others around you safe.

Although you are not required to keep a certain distance from members of your shared household, it is nonetheless strongly advised that you keep physical contact to a minimum and adhere to customary hygiene precautions as strictly as possible.

Public transportation

In local public transportation services, medical face masks

In Hamburg, wearing a medical face mask is required for all services and modes of public transportation. This mandates the use of surgical masks, FFP2 masks, or other medical masks of comparable or better standard by all passengers on A-, S-, and U trains, buses, taxis, and all other forms of public individual transportation.

The only exceptions are open vehicles with enough fresh air flow.

In long-distance transit, FFP2 masks

Long-distance travel is subject to the federal rule, so it is still necessary to wear an FFP2 mask or another medical face mask of comparable or higher standard on all regional and long-distance trains.


In offices, face masks are not required.

Offices do not require face masks to be worn. However, under specific circumstances, employers may demand that their staff members wear medical face masks.

Remote work

If an employee’s employment permits it, it is advised that employers let them work from home.

Kitas, schools, and higher learning:

Kitas and schools

There won’t be any more limitations for schools. As a result, all of the schools and kitas are open. There is no longer a requirement to wear a medical face mask.

Educational establishments

Universities and colleges may permit research and instruction in labs and workshops, as well as the teaching of material during tests and exam preparation.

Extracurricular activities are not subject to any limitations.

Driving programmes

The functioning of driving schools is not constrained.

Group exercises

Children, teenagers, and older individuals can all engage in social work activities without any limitations.

  • See FAQ Day Care for more information on kitas and child care (KITAs)
  • See FAQ Schools for more thorough details about schools.
  • Visit FAQ Universities for further information on higher education and science.


Cultural occasions

Cultural events are not subject to any limitations. Even dancing events can once more fill to capacity.

2022 Hamburg DOM

As of right present, there are no further limitations on the Hamburg Winter DOM. See Hamburg DOM for more details on the Hamburg DOM 2022 and the Hamburg DOM in general.

Political marches and demonstrations

Political parades and demonstrations are currently unrestricted by COVID. It is necessary to follow the main guidelines and specifications for staging protests and parades.

Physical activity and education

Sports fields, both indoor and outdoor, are once again open for play.

Cafes, bars, clubs, and eateries

No COVID-related regulations are necessary for the opening of bars, cafés, or restaurants.

Venues for music and clubs

Clubs and discos are free to welcome customers without any COVID-related limitations now that dancing activities are once more feasible.

Purchases and services:

Retail establishments and purchasing

There are no limits on doing grocery shopping or shopping in retail establishments.

Travel, lodging, and tourism:


Hotels, guest homes, vacation rentals, campgrounds, and other lodging options may operate at full capacity.

Restaurants and bars on-site are permitted to open in accordance with gastronomic conventions.

Guided excursions; cruises in the city’s harbour

There are currently no limitations on tourist activities including harbour cruises and guided tours.


Theaters, cinemas, music venues

No limitations due to COVID.

Memorials, museums, and exhibitions

No limitations due to COVID.

Botanical gardens and zoos

No limitations due to COVID.


Please be aware that the only version of the regulations that is legally enforceable is the one that is published in German and is accessible online at in the Hamburg Law and Ordinance Gazette. Please refer to the COVID-19 pandemic containment guidelines and regulations for further details. Please refer to our English FAQs and the official German rules for more information in English.

We appreciate your consideration, respect, and thorough consideration of these guidelines for preventing infection and providing mutual aid.

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