Reinvent Your Online Presence

In time, the digital presence of SMBs is getting thicker and therefore, the competition is becoming more serious. This is one of the main reasons businesses lose customers. It is a real trial trying to keep up with all the changes in the industry. It may even be easier in the beginning when everything is new and exciting, it is when your business gets stuck in a rut that you face the real challenge. Of course, making changes in the way your business works in the time when you start to lose customers is not easy as money starts to get tight. In that respect, here are some ways to bring some life into your SMB without spending too much or build some online news blog

Reinvent your brand

In this whole mission, money will be secondary and your primary resource should be your own creativity. So, get to work and start brainstorming on how you should reinvent your own business. Bear in mind that you also need a reason for doing all this and that reason should not be bad business. People want to hear an inspirational story that will motivate them to use your services. It is not a piece of cake, but think long and hard how you can fit your makeover into a motivational context. It can be eco-friendliness that made you wish to change your brand or it could be an important event in your personal life that made you realise life is short and you should be as honest and straightforward as you can. See how your ideas match each narrative and figure out the whole story. It is guaranteed to work on both existing and future customers. Once you have that, you will also have an idea on what to do next.

Rethink your target audience

When you are going throw the effort of changing your whole brand, this is the time to also rethink the way you do business, as well as your target audience. Depending on the type of business you own, you might want to considering broadening or narrowing down your audience. Consult your business plans and see if they need a change, too.The new focus definitely needs to be included n your longterm and shortterm business plans. There might be a ton of planning for you to do due to this change, but if you want the best results, you will need to make that effort. If your target is changing, there are other things to change, too. It seems irrational to drive away your current users, so what you need is a marketing strategy that includes the audience you had so far, but also includes the new audience. Talk about a mission impossible! Nobody said it was easy, but it does not cost much since your brain has to do most of the heavy lifting.

Use social media smart

Most businesses use social media, however, most of them also do not use the full potential of it. You are certainly one of them, as well. It is not a scolding remark. In fact, the world of social media is developing so fast that hardly anyone can keep up with all the changes. This is actually good news since this means there is room for improvement. Certainly you have accounts on all the big networks, the main trick is to use them properly. Surprisingly, one of the factors that have a huge impact here is consistency. You need to post on a regular basis. As soon as you forget to post for a while, all the impact fades away.

Design a new logo

This is probably a place where you will need to invest some money, but hopefully not too much. You will need a new logo in the sense of ‘New logo- new me’ mindset and you should try to make it as awesome as possible. Your logo and your homepage are the main parts in charge of charming the customers. Your marketing strategy is there to attract people, the logo and the website are in charge of keeping them interested and the content and the product are there to make them stay. This is why these three elements are to be worked on the hardest. When it comes to the logo, try to make it stand out from the crowd in some way. It is important it is not too complex and that it has some meaning in the context of you and your business. It is essential that your new logo is memorable. Once people see it and remember it, they will constantly be reminded of the work you do whenever they see that logo of yours.

Change your homepage

Your homepage should be a magical place where the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming and everyone want to join the party in the sun. Everything about this page needs to be carefully planned and designed, to the slightest detail. It simply needs to be impecable. Both the textual content and the graphic design need to be pristine. Whether you will need a help from a designer or someone who is good with words, the main idea is yours. Try your best to get inspiration for that ravishing homepage. Think about all the beautiful moments in your life and try to incorporate them into the words and images that are to be on that page. Read books, listen to music, do all sorts of research to get to the point where you know exactly what you want. When you find it, you will know, and others will know as well as soon as they visit your website.

It is easy to see that the cost of waking your business up is not financial, but it is measured in time and effort one needs to spend to reinvent it and do a complete makeover. It is a huge bite, but a mandatory one if you want to keep your business thriving

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