
A “stablecoin” is a cryptocurrency whose worth is tied to some other investment market, such as fiat money or gold, to keep its price stable. Stablecoins bridge the realms of cryptocurrencies and traditional fiat money by fixing their values to a reserve commodity such as the US dollar or gold. When compared to Bitcoin, this greatly reduces volatility, resulting in a type of electronic money that is well-suited to everything from day-to-day commerce to enabling cross-exchange transactions.

Stablecoin Varieties:

Given the widespread availability and acceptability of the US dollar, some would assert that stablecoins are a remedy in need of a problem. Many cryptocurrency supporters, in contrast, feel that digital money that is not regulated by central banks is the way of the future. Stablecoins are classified into four varieties based on the technique employed to keep their value steady.


Fiat-collateralized stablecoins hold a commitment of fiat money (or currencies) as collateral, such as the US dollar, to secure the stablecoin’s value. Other types of security can include precious metals such as gold or silver, as well as commodities like crude oil; nevertheless, the bulk of fiat-collateralized stablecoins have US currency reserves.

These reserves are administered by unbiased caretakers and are inspected on a regular basis. Tether (USDT) and TrueUSD (TUSD) are well-known stablecoins that are secured by and valued in US dollars.

Stablecoins backed by cryptocurrency:

Without getting too technical, crypto-backed stablecoins are currencies that are tethered to the value of a more established cryptocurrency. MakerDAO, for example, is one of the most prominent crypto-backed stablecoins. It pools enough ether (ETH) to serve as collateral for its stablecoin using a smart contract – a form of identity, code-based contract – alongside the Ethereum blockchain. Then, whenever the quantity of collateral in the smart contract reaches a particular level, users can manufacture DAI – the MakerDAO stablecoin.

Algorithmic Stablecoins:

Algorithmic stablecoins may or may not hold reserve assets. The approach of sustaining the stablecoin’s value by controlling its supply using an algorithm, which is effective computer software that executes a specified computation, is their most significant difference.

This is analogous in some ways to central banks, which do not rely on deposit assets to sustain the value of the money they issue. The difference is that a reserve bank, such as the Federal Reserve, determines monetary policy openly based on well-defined criteria, and its function as a legal tender producer contributes to that policy’s validity.

Stablecoins supported by commodities:

Commodity-backed stablecoins, as the title suggests, are linked to the value of commodities such as precious metals, industrial metals, oil, or property investment. Commodity investors like the notion of commodity-backed stablecoins because it allows them to invest in gold without worrying about where to get it or how to store it. Tether gold (XAUT) is an example of a stablecoin that is backed by a commodity. The money is safeguarded by a gold reserve kept in a Swiss vault. One XAUT represents one ounce of gold.

Reasons for Importance of Stablecoin:

The USDC stablecoin is supported by dollar-denominated assets in segregated accounts with US-regulated financial institutions that have at least an equal market price to the USDC in circulation. An independent accounting company attests to (i.e. publicly verifies) such accounts.

USDC, like several other stablecoins, is now decentralized on the Ethereum platform. Stablecoins lacks the unpredictability of non-pegged cryptocurrencies while retaining some of their most potent features:

  • They transport data quickly, cheaply, and securely.
  • Stablecoins are open, worldwide, and available to everyone on the internet at any time.
  • They are electronically native to the Web and may be programmed.


Uses of Stablecoin:

Assets should be traded or saved:

Stablecoins do not require a savings account to keep, and they are simple to transfer. The value of stablecoins may be readily transferred throughout the world, especially to regions where the US dollar is difficult to get or if the exchange rate is volatile.

International Shipping:

Stablecoins like USDC are a fantastic alternative for transferring cash anywhere in the globe because of their fast processing and cheap transaction fees.

Decrease risk: 

The market for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether changes rapidly, sometimes even by the second. An asset tied to a more balanced economy might provide purchasers and sellers confidence that the value of their coins will neither rise nor fall abruptly in the future years.

Transfer money for free:

People have contributed more than a million dollars to USDC for as little as a dollar in transfer costs.

Obtain interest:

There are simple ways to generate interest on a stablecoin transaction that is often superior to what a bank would offer.


Some Popular Stablecoin:


Diem (originally known as Libra) is a type of stablecoin in development that was inspired by the massive, global social networking site Facebook. While libra has not yet been released, it has had a greater psychological effect compared to any other stablecoin. Initially, the Diem Association, a Facebook-created partnership, stated that Diem would be supported by a “basket” of currency, including the US dollar and the euro. However, due to worldwide regulatory concerns, the group has now stepped down from its original ambitious objective. Instead, it intends to concentrate on creating numerous stablecoins, each secured by a different national currency. The Diem dollar, its first stablecoin, was slated to launch as early as January 2021.


The algorithmic stablecoin, DAI, was created by MakerDAO, a Cryptocurrency platform that aims to maintain a one-to-one ratio with the US dollar. It is generally used to lend and borrow digital money without the necessity of an intermediary, resulting in a trustless system with visibility and few limits. Unlike previous stablecoins, MakerDAO wants dai to be autonomous, which means there is no centralized entity trusted with system governance. Instead, Ethereum smart contracts, which encapsulate unchangeable rules, do this function.


Tether (USDT) is a digital stablecoin that is supported “100% by Tether’s assets,” according to its website.

Tether is managed by iFinex, a Hong Kong-based business that also operates the cryptocurrency exchange BitFinex. Tether was created in July 2014 as RealCoin and renamed Tether in November 2014. It began trading in February 2015. The principal application for USDT is to move money swiftly between exchanges to benefit from arbitrage possibilities when the prices of cryptocurrencies diverge on exchange platforms; traders may profit from this difference. However, it has found various uses: Chinese importers deployed in Russia have also utilized USDT to move millions of dollars across the border, circumventing China’s rigorous capital restrictions.

Tether Ltd., the business that produces USDT, was involved in a 22-month court fight with the New York Attorney General on charges that Bitfinex attempted to cover up an $850 million shortfall by using cash obtained from Tether.



Stablecoins give some of the steadiness that other cryptocurrencies lack, rendering them worthless as actual currency. However, individuals who buy stablecoins should be aware of the dangers they are committing. While stablecoins may appear to have reduced dangers in ordinary situations, they might become the riskiest to hold during a crisis when they should be the safest.


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