early intervention

Effective communication is important to human development and plays an important role in a child’s growing years. Without the ability to communicate clearly, children do not have access to many of the educational experiences they will become adults. This situation not only creates frustration and exhaustion for the children involved but also stresses and distresses the families.

Speech therapists who use early speech interventions can radically address these issues with life-changing therapeutic interventions that transform these children and their families.

What is Early Intervention Speech-Language Pathology?

Basically, early speech intervention aims to diagnose and treat speech disorders in young children from infants to 3 years of age. The initial goals of speech therapy include solving problems such as stuttering, speech and sound disorders, speech delays, and speech disorders. Because infants and toddlers have not yet developed the logic and reasoning of older children and adults, the therapies and techniques needed for early speech intervention are very different from those for single-patient speech therapies.

Studies have confirmed that early detection of speech and language difficulties, and future treatment at the youngest possible age, can make a dramatic difference in ensuring positive outcomes for young patients. 

What Does an Early Intervention Speech-Language Pathologist Do?

While “early intervention” is categorized as occurring between birth and 3 years of age, early intervention SLP works for children up to 5 years of age before the patient switches to another treatment plan. Therefore, various treatments are needed to cover this area. What is the early intervention process? First, early interveners must be able to diagnose the disease based on relatively few clues from the patient, as children have no way of communicating what they are feeling or experiencing. .. SLP should look for indicators such as:

1. Presence or absence of children’s general talking sounds 

2. Models in which a child moves lips and tongue. 

3. The moment of a child’s first words. 

4. Difficulty in forming sound categories.

5. Sensitivity of nerves around the mouth to touch or temperature extremes.

Developing Language through play?

1. Explore Play – Collect various objects and materials and put them in a bag. Materials can vary in size, shape, and texture. Encourage your child to reach into a pocket, grope around, and pull an object out. Talk about objects with your child and explore their uses, make activities fun by banging objects together or hiding them under each other, encourage your child to find them.

2. Self-pretend Play – Find a variety of everyday objects that you and your child use. This could include cups, spoons, dishes, brushes, flannels, items of clothing. Use these to pretend to carry out the appropriate action with your child i.e. brush your hair, drink from the cup. Encourage your child to copy you.

3. Symbolic game – Symbolic play is when a child uses one thing to represent another. Your child has building blocks and can imagine them calling or eating. First, parents and children can pretend to be everyday situations and then imagine toys that represent reality. Children need to experience symbolic play. Because symbolic play helps you understand that something can represent something else.


Whilst following your baby`s lead label the items they may be searching at or holding. By labelling/naming the item you’re supporting the kid to relate this verbal label to the actual item. Lots of repetition of the label will assist to boost this together along with your baby and make this connection more potent it’ll additionally offer a very good version for them to imitate. 

If your baby does now no longer provide you with a whole lot of eye touch you could attempt bringing the item they may be inquisitive about up for your face after which label/call the word.At Maudsley Health, we will provide you the best speech therapy for adults and children.

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