7 Types of Indian EVisa Rejected

There are various reasons that can lead to an INDIAN VISA REJECTED. These include fake travel documents or a passport that is not in good condition. If you happen to meet any of these reasons, then you should contact the Indian Embassy immediately for further guidance. TYPES OF INDIAN EVISA.

16 Reasons Why Your Visa Get Rejected | Useful Tips | BTW


If your application for an Indian EVisa is rejected, you might be wondering what went wrong. The first thing to do is to check the document you submitted online. If the document is not current, it could be expired. You may also want to check your criminal record. If you have a criminal history, the Indian Immigration Authority will not accept your application.

Your passport must be in the correct format and contain all of your details accurately. Make sure you have your marriage status and address correctly. Make sure you list your husband’s employer as well. If you are a stay-at-home mom, it is important to list your husband’s employer. Remember to double-check all of the information, including your passport number. Also, you should make sure that you have enough money to cover your stay in India. If you do not have enough money for your stay in India, your application may be rejected.


In order to be able to travel to India, you need to be granted a visa. There are various types of visas. An e-Visa is one type of visa. It is an electronic document that allows you to enter the country. However, not all visas can be used in India. To apply for a valid Indian e-Visa, you must first fill up an application form. These forms are available in airports.

You can apply for an e-Visa for several purposes. For example, you can attend a short-term yoga course, get medical treatment, or attend a conference organized by a government department. Alternatively, you can apply for a tourist visa to travel to India.

Rejection criteria

Many people want to know the reasons why their Indian visa application is being rejected. While the reasons may vary from case to case, most rejections have something to do with the application itself and legal document. These reasons can cause a lot of confusion among visa applicants. To help you understand why your Indian visa application is being rejected, here are the seven reasons that usually cause your application to be rejected.

The first reason that your application might be rejected is due to a lack of details. It is crucial that you fill in all the necessary information. For example, it is crucial that you have the correct phone number. Also, your passport must be valid. Incomplete forms can result in a rejection at immigration.

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Documents required

Usually, an e-Visa application can take 10 to 15 minutes to fill out and submit. When applying, make sure to have your documents ready beforehand. For example, you’ll need a recent front-facing photo and your passport’s photo page. You’ll also need one other document, which depends on the type of visa you’re applying for. Make sure the photograph is clear and undistorted.

If you have a criminal record, this will cause your application to be rejected. If you’re clear of any such charges, you won’t encounter any problems in your application.

Requirements for e-visa

Whenever you apply for a visa to India, you need to be extra careful about the details. Incorrect details may lead to delays during the visa process. Make sure all information is accurate and double-checked. You should also ensure that the intent behind your visit matches the type of visa you have applied for.

Firstly, your passport must be valid for at least six months after the date of arrival in India. It must also contain two blank pages for stamping. You must travel on the passport that you used to apply for the e-visa. After the e-visa is issued, you need to wait for the ETA (e-visa-on-arrival). Make sure that you have sufficient cash to spend during your stay in India.

If you’re applying for a business E-visa, you also need to provide references from your country. You can either provide references from your country of origin or from your country of residence. Applicants should provide contact details of their employer. They can also provide their business card or email signature. In addition, they should provide proof that they have sufficient funds to support their stay in India.

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