Tourism professionals, do you need content for your websites? A web writer specializing in travel can help you! This nomadic feather knows all the workings of Google. Expert in writing texts for the Internet, this passionate freelancer of journeys and words takes you on the path of web marketing. Nowadays, setting up a content strategy adapted to your sector of activity is essential to stand out on the web. Finding an experienced tourism web editor is a winning asset to promote your business and engage your audience. Jump on the bandwagon and gain notoriety in the country of e-tourism thanks to SEO web copywriting.

Develop a tourism content strategy

40 million French people, or 8 out of 10 Internet users, buy on the Internet. In the digital landscape, the e-tourism sector is extremely dynamic. It represents 46% of the online sales market share, which represents a turnover of 21 billion euros in France.

In 2019, according to the Opondo barometer carried out by Raff our Interactive:

  • 68% of French people, or 37 million people, have gone on a trip;
  • 84% of them prepared their route online;
  • 60% booked all or part of their stay online.

Most travelers use the Web to get information, plan and organize their trip. The stakes are high for all players in the field. Although the sector is very competitive, everyone tries to do well. To stand out, you must have a convincing tourism content strategy and get started in web marketing without hesitation. A web editor who masters market issues can help you.

Find a tourism web editor to strengthen the power of a website

Boost your visibility with well referenced articles on Google

When searching the web, 91% of users go no further than the first page of Google results. 75% of them are satisfied with the first 3 answers from the search engine. To be visible on the web, you have to know how to please Google’s algorithms and answer the questions of Internet users. If you manage a hotel in downtown Annecy, your objective is to appear in a good position on specific queries, such as “hotel center Annecy” or “hotel lake Annecy”.

Placement of relevant keywords, HTML tags, length of titles and articles, writing content by the professional Wikipedia editor for the Internet cannot be improvised. Technician of words and search engines, the web editor masters the techniques of natural referencing: he is an expert in the art of SEO. He writes optimized texts, with high added value, which are able to position themselves in the first results of Google.

Stand out from the competition with texts that make you want to travel

To increase your visibility and stand out from the competition, your site must be active and popular. The objective of the specialized web editor is to weave a coherent and powerful web, by regularly publishing attractive content on travel, to deploy your sphere of influence online. He uses copywriting and storytelling techniques to arouse the curiosity of your customers and convince them.

The words resonate. The texts invite you to stroll, they project your prospect into senseless escapades and unique experiences. The emotion they convey encourages the user to take action. The dream is right there, just a click away! Readers seduced and enthusiastic, stay longer on your site and come back to see you regularly. You have succeeded in retaining them.

Delegate your digital strategy to an expert who knows the challenges of the tourism sector

Save time by entrusting your editorial planning to a tourism web editor! Its overview of the travel and leisure market allows it to define the subjects to be treated with precision. He chooses the key queries that have the potential to be well-referenced and organizes them in time in a strategic way. It is inspired by your brand image, your objectives and your target to define a style, a tone, a frequency of publication and the themes to be addressed.

The editor takes care of everything. He is able to integrate the articles on your site and he follows their evolution. It constantly analyzes the performance of its actions using specific tools, such as Google Analytics or Google Search Console. Proactive, he is a force of proposals. Its recommendations refine your digital strategy. Aware of the entire digital ecosystem, it helps you build a plan of attack to make your site more and more powerful.

Entrust various missions to the web editor specializing in travel

Writing any type of publication on travel-related topics

The mission of the web editor specializing in tourism is to write articles on all subjects and concepts related to travel: countries, destinations, visits, leisure, transport, traditions, cuisine, peoples of the world, etc. It provides relevant information to Internet users, always based on reliable sources.

All forms of publication are possible according to your needs:

  • tourist news, industry trends, interviews and informative articles for specialized sites or webzines;
  • blog articles, guides or travel diaries with addresses, tips, advice and other tips;
  • product sheets on organized trips, destinations, backpacker equipment;
  • newsletters, fixed pages and about tourist and cultural establishments.

Image optimization and video transcription

Photos have a lot of impact on Internet users, especially in the travel sector. In a study on influencer marketing in tourism in 2021, Interface Tourism reveals that 90% of travel influencers publish on Instagram, the image social network. A web editor is able to optimize photos and videos so that they are better positioned on google. It also offers transcriptions of podcasts or YouTube videos.

The management of social networks thanks to its skills in community management

Some web writers specializing in travel can put their skills at your service to manage your communication on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Community management makes it possible to animate and increase an audience on social networks by publishing posts and stories. Creative, responsive and versatile, the community manager implements a Social Media strategy. It analyzes the number of clicks and the engagement rate to know the scope of its actions. He takes care to always respond to the company’s fanbase while handling trolls and bad buzz with humor and eloquence.

Translation and transcreation of articles by polyglots trained in writing for the web

Translation is an additional service offered by the web editor, an expert in the tourism field, when he is fluent in one or more foreign languages. He can specialize in transcreation, a method that mixes translation and creation to adapt a message to the culture, linguistic particularities and consumption habits of the target country.

Find a competent tourism web editor

The travel writer is a passionate explorer of words. This ace of storytelling makes Internet users dream according to the themes dear to the companies that employ him. In his articles, he promotes change of scenery, road trips and distant cities. He knows them sometimes for having already rolled his bump there. Always on the go, this digital nomad can be in any corner of the world. But then, how to find it?

Are you looking for an experienced globetrotting copywriter? Do you want him to be rigorous, curious, involved and creative? The La Redact du Web platform puts you in touch with premium web editors. Trained by Lucie Rondelet’s team on the dedicated Web Writing Training course, students at the end of their course are rated between 3 and 5 feathers depending on their level. Tariffs apply transparently according to the rating. You can view the profiles according to their specialties. Select “tourism” in the search bar to choose a web editor suited to your mission.

You now understand why finding a tourism web editor is a major advantage in the implementation of your digital strategy. Gaining visibility on the internet and increasing your audience is a long-term job. To achieve this successfully, put SEO on your side and think about enhancing the user experience.


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