The quickbooks licensing errors occur when the system file holding your QB Desktop’s license properties is corrupted or damaged. When the damage happens in the entitlementDataStore.ecml file, you will encounter the error message “Could not initialize license properties” on your screen. When you press the OK button on the error notice box, another box appears on your screen. One of the most obvious causes of licensing errors in QB is improper system shutdown. However, a number of other technical difficulties may also contribute to licensing mistakes.

To resolve such an error with ease, we decided to create an article. Thus, you are required to stick to it till the conclusion.

Let’s get started!

QuickBooks Licensing Error: Meaning

The error code 3371 denotes a Quickbooks license error after clone issue. QB is unable to load the licensing data owing to a missing or corrupted company file, as per the complete error message. You may even receive several sets of status codes for the same problem code 3371, such as:

  • [Status Code -11118, Error 3371]
  • [Error: 3371, Status code: -1]

This issue can occur in a variety of situations, including when you transfer a QB license to a new owner or modify the QB license number.

Causes of QuickBooks Licensing Error

There are various causes that may result in Quickbooks license error after clone errors.  These causes are as follows:

  • When an out-of-date Windows operating system or your anti-virus software quarantines some critical QB data.
  • If any of the Windows components or QB Desktop files listed below are missing or corrupted, you may get a QB licensing problem.
  • This QB problem might be caused by a faulty or incomplete installation of Windows components.

Symptoms of Quickbooks Licensing Error

You may become aware of the Quickbooks license error after clone problems as a result of the following symptoms:

  • At first, QB is unable to sync licensing properties.
  • On the screen, Error 3371 status code, 11118 displays.
  • Also, when compared to the regular QB error, the computer’s performance suffers.
  • Moreover, an active program window is crashed.

Possible Steps to Resolve Quickbooks licensing Error

You may need to execute a variety of methods to troubleshoot the underlying cause of the Quickbooks license error after clone problem. Some of the greatest troubleshooting ways to resolve QuickBooks errors are detailed below:

Solution 1: Use the QuickBooks Tool Hub to run the 3371 Error Fix.

The 3371 error fix tool was created particularly to resolve QB licencing problem 3371. Thus, you are required to first download and install QB Tool Hub on your system in order to execute the 3371 problem repair tool. The methods to obtain and use QuickBooks Tool Hub are as follows:

  • At first, close QB.
  • Next, install the QB Tool Hub. It is advised to download the most recent version.
  • Then, open the QuickBooksToolHub.exe file that you downloaded.
  • After that, follow the on-screen directions to install the tool hub.
  • To proceed, check the box that says “I agree to the terms and conditions.”
  • The QB Tool Hub icon will appear on the desktop once the installation is complete.

Please note that the QB tool hub is the one-stop tool to download various other applications such as Quickbooks file doctor, which can be used to resolve QB errors.

After downloading the QB tool hub, now open the 3371 Error Repair Tool.

  • First, launch the Tool Hub.
  • Then, choose Installation Issues.
  • Click OK after selecting 3371 Error Fix.
  • At last, launch QB and navigate to the company file.

If you continue to receive the licencing problem, move on to the next solution.

Solution 2: Clean Install QB application

During the installation of the application, a Quickbooks license error after clone problem may occur. To resolve the installation issues, you may do a clean installation of the QuickBooks desktop program by following the instructions outlined below:

  • First, select the Windows Start button.
  • Then, choose Control Panel.
  • After that, choose Uninstall a Program or Program and Features.
  • Select the QB version you’re using from the list of apps.
  • Then, choose Uninstall or /Change, then click Remove and Next.
  • At last,  reinstall QuickBooks. If the issue persists, proceed to the next remedy.

Solution 3: Make use of QB Install Diagnostic Tool

QuickBooks install diagnostic tool is particularly intended to fix QuickBooks installation difficulties. Running the utility also fixes problems with Microsoft.NET, Microsoft XML Core Services, and C++. To use the tool, follow the procedures outlined below:

  • Open QuickBooks Tool Hub once again.
  • Select Installation Problems.
  • Click the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic tool button.
  • Allow the utility to run in order to resolve the installation concerns.

If the QuickBooks License problem persists, proceed to solution 4.

Solutions 4: Terminate .ecml file

When an Entitlementdatastore.ecml file becomes corrupted, it must be deleted in order to cure QuickBooks issue 3371.

  • On your keyboard, press Windows + R.
  • Insert the following file location into the Runbox: C:\ ProgramData\ Intuit\ Entitlement\ v8
  • Now, you should see this address open on your screen.
  • Find and delete the .ecml file before closing the window.
  • Now, launch QuickBooks and register the remaining products to complete the solution.
  • If the Quickbooks license error after clone problem remains, proceed to the next solution.

Solution 5: Make sure that your Windows operating system is updated

An out-of-date Windows operating system may also cause the QB License problem.

  • First, click the Start button, then hit All Programs, which is situated above the Search programs and files box.
  • Then, look for and click Update for Windows
  • Now, select the Check for Updates option.
  • Reinstall and update QB Desktop after the procedure is complete.
  • At last, check to see if QuickBooks can import the licencing info. If not, proceed to the next step to resolve the QB problem.

Solution 6: Install the most recent Windows update

If the most recent Windows update is available, install the updates for your Windows operating system. By clicking on the Start button, you may locate the Windows update list and see whether any updates are available.


We believe, by implementing the above solutions, you will be able to resolve quickbooks licensing error. However, if the problem persists, you can connect with the technical team for further assistance.

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