There are no precise established schedules for dosing products like vaporized oils, cannabis flos, liquid or tablets capsules orally taken, or patches and gels topically used. Dosage relies mainly on the product’s titration and is largely individualized regardless of the content of the cannabinoid utilizing the premise of ‘starting low and going low.’ Patients and doctors should liaise to determine the product’s efficacy for patients and their medical conditions. That is especially when finding the correct dose where adverse effects are minimized and therapeutic effects are maximized.

Doses largely depend on the individual variation, product type used, interaction with other drugs, developing tolerance, and previous exposure to Cannabis, either medically or recreationally. Lower doses have the least likelihood of being associated with adverse effects. Patients who do not possess prior experience with Cannabis and initiating therapy as first-timers are provided caution to start with a shallow dose. An example is 1mg THC or lower per day. If the patients experience any side effects, they should cease the product immediately. That includes dizziness, disorientation, psychosis, coordination loss, hallucinations, low blood pressure, rapid heart rate, and anxiety.  

You should try CBD genesis concentrate products and increase doses slowly, preferably every week, until you reach a reasonable dose. Therapy patients need to be advised to be with someone if they experience any adverse side effects. All the first doses need to be administered in the evening to help manage the side effects. The doses of THC that are 2.5 to 3 mg or lower could be associated with minimal psycho-activity and a therapeutic benefit. In the Netherlands, the average daily usage is close to 650 to 820 mg of vaporized Cannabis. The consumption of THC will then depend on the cannabis product strength that is used.

As insufficiency of studies on the use of orally ingested oils looms, pharmaceutical products’ comparison provides the best dosing levels’ best estimation. However, there is available evidence for Marinol, an oral capsule of synthetic THC that has been dissolved in sesame oil. This evidence suggests an amount of 20mg average daily dose every day, including a recommended daily dosage of 40mg THC. Nabilone or Cesamet presents a dosing range between 0.2mg and 6mg a day.

Recent trials with Epidiolex or the orally administered oil with CBD suggest a daily dosage ranging between 5 to 20mg/kg CBD for children. For adults, there is no known dosage. Sativex is an oro-mucosal spray that is used to treat spasticity that is associated with multiple sclerosis. It suggests starting treatment with only a spray a day containing 2.7mg THC and 2.5 CBD, then titrated to a maximum of twelve daily sprays. 

The maximum should be 32.4mg THC/30mg daily CBD. Sativex has primarily been utilized in a cannabis withdrawal trial. In that trial, it produced a significant improvement that was short-term when it was used for the first week. However, there were no changes from using a placebo for a month.

Drug administrators need to commence patients at their lowest possible dose, especially with the products that contain THC. They also need to be closely monitored for the adverse effects and slowly increase over some days to a few weeks to determine the product’s effectiveness. Medical practitioners need to collect information on dosing levels and undertake pharmacovigilance, especially in the younger and older age groups with little dosing.

Having demonstrated the trials and studies above, it is worth noting that you should take CBD daily as long as you don’t overdose on it. A daily dosage of CBD will add to the potential health benefits since CBD is fat-soluble, compounding in your body over time. However, you need to understand that with Cannabis, less is usually more. CBD is metabolized via a similar pathway in your liver, just like the common OTC meds and prescriptions. 

Because of that, it is recommended that you mainly stick with the full-spectrum products containing multiple cannabinoids, vitamins, oils, and more natural compounds as opposed to pure CBD. You will need a lower dosage with the full-spectrum products, preventing drug interactions. Especially at low doses, drug interactions are usually pretty uncommon. However, it could occur with some commonly used drugs like blood thinners and SSRIs. Additionally, a lower amount will allow you to protect your liver from stress.

Final Thoughts

As much as there are existing studies on the amount of CBD you should ingest, they are pretty shallow and mostly unproven. That is because research into CBD therapy is still in its early stages. Scientists should do more research studies to determine the risks and benefits of CBD products. More importantly, researchers should also work out the ideal CBD dosages which are effective and safe for every condition. CBD oil has gained a lot of research interest which could produce important information soon.

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